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NEWS: Green-blue infrastructure in Piastow, summary of investment activities

As part of the project entitled 'Creation of green-blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów', the following investment activities are being carried out in the field of green-blue infrastructure, increasing the amount of green areas, intensifying activities related to the on-site management of rainwater in the city, eliminating Urban Heat Islands, preventing food waste and improving the microclimate in the city:

  1. Construction of a green roof on the building at 6 Lwowska st. in Piastów, with the installation of micro wind turbines.

  2. Building a green roof on the garage building of the Voluntary Fire Brigade at Warszawska st. in Piastów.

  3. Development of the patio area at Primary School No. 3 in Tysiąclecia Avenue, plot no. 664, precinct 02

  4. Development of the area by the branch of the environmental and integration day-care centre in Sułkowskiego st.

  5. Renovation of the ditch in the park in ul. Św. Stanisława Kostki in Piastów.

  6. Establishment of rain gardens. Building a system to prevent food waste in the city. Establishment of fruit and vegetable farms on the land of Primary School No. 2, Primary School No. 3, Primary School No. 4 in Piastów.

  7. Establishment of a green wall system on the territory of the city of Piastów. Construction of a green wall at the screens along the railway line in Szarych szeregów Street, renovation and extension of the pergola in Lwowska Street and construction of a green wall on the building of Primary School No. 3 in Aleja Tysiąclecia 5.

  8. Exchange and installation of bus stops into green bus stops in the city of Piastów as well as exchange and installation of trash shelters into green roof shelters,

  9. Development of the area by SPZOZ Piastun in Piastów on plots of land No. 68/20, 68/21, 68/22, 68/23, precinct 03 Skorupki 16A - landscaping, construction of a rain garden, green walls and a pergola.

The project is comprehensive taking into account climate adaptation, mitigation and education activities that are coherent and interrelated. It is implemented from the Environment, Energy and Climate Change programme, from the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation area and is funded by the MF EEA 2014-2021.

NEWS: Workshop within the project "Creating a green and blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów"

At the end of May 2023, a workshop was held within the framework of the project entitled: "Creating a green and blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów". The aims of the project is to strengthen the city's resilience to the negative effects of climate change, raise public awareness of this issue, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local community level.

The workshop was conducted by representatives of the project partners: the Polish Green Roofs Association (PSDZ) and the Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure (NFGI).

The aim of the workshop was to make participants aware of the complexity of green-blue infrastructure issues and to present relevant aspects from the point of view of other professionals, as well as to raise awareness about the role of green-blue infrastructure and its impact on the urban microclimate.

On 29 and 30 May 2023, two Workshop entitled " BLUE–GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AS A TOOL OF THE CITY FOR PREVENTING ADVERSE CLIMATE CHANGE" took place. The first day workshop was attended by municipality workers, councillors, teachers and architects. The second day was dedicated to students from Piastow secondary schools.

The recording of the first day of the workshop can be seen here:

The recording of the second day of the workshop (for students) can be seen here::

Project „Creating a green and blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów” has a comprehensive character, taking into account adaptation, mitigation and educational activities, which are coherent and interrelated.

Currently, preparation for the implementation of green infrastructure investments that are part of the project are in the process.

NEWS: Exchange of knowledge and experience - project participants from Piastów learned about Scandinavian good examples of blue-green infrastructure

The study tour carried out as part of the project entitled Creating a green and blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów” took place in September 2022. It was attended by representatives of the Piastów municipality workers and these Polish Green Roofs Association members who actively participated in the project work.

The tour was organised under the leadership of the Norwegian project partner Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure. In line with the project's objectives, its aim was to provide visitors from Poland with knowledge, training materials and inspiration on the planning and design of blue-green infrastructure and nature based solutions applied in the urban environment.

Participants of the study tour had the opportunity to learn about examples of pro-ecological activities from Scandinavian countries. They visited many well-known examples of green and green-blue infrastructure from Copenhagen in Denmark, Malmo in Sweden and Oslo in Norway.

NEWS: The opening conference of the project entitled "Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów"

On 26 May 2022, the opening conference of the project entitled "Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów" took place at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Piastów. The organiser of the event entitled "GREEN-BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE AS A TOOL OF CITIES TO PREVENT AND FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGES", was organised by the City of Piastów together with partners: Polish Green Roofs Association (PSDZ) and Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure (NFGI).

The conference was opened by the Mayor of Piastów, Grzegorz Szuplewski, who welcomed the guests and introduced the project partners.

The floor was then taken by Marta Weber-Siwirska, Chairperson of PSDZ, and David Vernon Brasfield, Chairperson of NFGI.

Special guests invited to the conference were: Izabela Puczyłowska (National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management), Krzysztof Rymuza (Starost of the Pruszków Poviat) and Dariusz Geller (President of the Polish-Norwegian Society).

The substantive part began with a speech by Ireneusz Bieńkowski, Project Manager, who presented the assumptions of the project " Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów ", the planned activities and the results and benefits of its implementation.

The speakers focused on the problems of using green-blue infrastructure in the processes of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, rainwater retention and the role of green roofs and living walls as tools used in these activities. The speakers also answered questions posed by conference participants. The conference was chaired by Marta Weber-Siwirska, Chairperson of the Polish Green Roofs Association.

Conference speakers:

  • David Vernon Brasfield - Norwegian examples of drought and flood prevention
  • Gonçalo Liberato - Norwegian examples of rainwater management
  • Ewa Walter - Using blue-green infrastructure in climate change mitigation and adaptation processes
  • Ewa Burszta Adamiak - Rainwater retention through green-blue infrastructure solutions
  • Katarzyna Wróblewska - Adaptation of plants to changing climatic conditions
  • Justyna Rubaszek - Green roofs as a tool for mitigation and adaptation to climate change
  • Daniel Skarżyński Vertical gardens as an innovative tool for mitigation and adaptation to climate change


The project entitled "Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów"

The project entitled "Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów" consists in the implementation of activities in the field of green-blue infrastructure such as: increasing the area of green areas, intensification of activities related to the management of rainwater in the city in the place of its creation, elimination of urban "heat islands", prevention of food waste and improvement of the microclimate inside the city.
The project is comprehensive in nature, taking into account adaptation, mitigation and education measures that are coherent and interrelated. The project is implemented under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change programme, from the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation area and is funded by the EEA 2014-2021 MF.

The Project is planned to be implemented from 1 January 2022 to 30 November 2023.

The beneficiary of the project is the city of Piastów.
The total value of the Project, including eligible expenditures is 4 610 593.24 PLN, and the co-financing will cover 85% of eligible costs.



Polish Green Roof Association (PSDZ)

Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure (NFGI)


Project purpose:

The main objective of the project is to increase the resilience of the city of Piastów to negative phenomena resulting from climate change and adaptation to these changes, to raise public awareness of climate change, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of investments in green and blue infrastructure.
For the implementation of the project, such methods were selected and such mitigation and adaptation measures were planned which, when adopted in the urban space, will bring the greatest benefits to the city.



In terms of investment tasks, it is planned to create green roofs and walls, urban greenery, green bus stops, urban farms, rain gardens, ditch restoration, the foundation of micro wind turbines on green roofs, elimination of soil sealing, creation of green pergolas over pavements. The investment component will be complemented by education and information activities aimed at raising public awareness of the city's adaptation to and prevention of climate change.
The project "Creating Blue-Green Infrastructure in the city of Piastów" is co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area under the program "Environment, Energy and Climate Change", programme area: "Mitigation of climate change and adaptation to its effects".
The purpose of implementing projects in the Climate Change area within the call for proposals "Implementation of green and blue infrastructure investments in cities" is to strengthen the resilience of cities to the negative effects of climate change, to raise public awareness of climate change, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local community level in cities with less than 90,000 inhabitants.


The EEA Grants

The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA Grants amount to €1.55 billion.

The priorities for this period are:
#1 Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness
#2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
#3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
#4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
#5 Justice and Home Affairs

The EEA Grants are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, whose contributions are based on their GDP.
Eligibility for the Grants mirror the criteria set for the EU Cohesion Fund aimed at member countries where the Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average.

More information:

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